
Source code for torch.overrides

Python implementation of ``__torch_function__``

While most of the torch API and handling for ``__torch_function__`` happens
at the C++ level, some of the torch API is written in Python so we need
python-level handling for ``__torch_function__`` overrides as well. The main
developer-facing functionality in this file are handle_torch_function and
has_torch_function. See torch/ and test/
for usage examples.

heavily inspired by NumPy's ``__array_function__`` (see: and

If changing this file in a way that can affect ``__torch_function__`` overhead,
please report the benchmarks in ``benchmarks/overrides_benchmark``. See the
instructions in the ```` in that directory.

import __future__

import collections
import functools
import types
from typing import Dict, Set, List, Any, Callable, Iterable, Type

import torch
from torch._C import (
    _has_torch_function, _has_torch_function_unary,
    _has_torch_function_variadic, _add_docstr)

__all__ = [

[docs]@functools.lru_cache(None) def get_ignored_functions() -> Set[Callable]: """ Return public functions that cannot be overridden by ``__torch_function__``. Returns ------- Set[Callable] A tuple of functions that are publicly available in the torch API but cannot be overridden with ``__torch_function__``. Mostly this is because none of the arguments of these functions are tensors or tensor-likes. Examples -------- >>> torch.Tensor.as_subclass in torch.overrides.get_ignored_functions() True >>> torch.add in torch.overrides.get_ignored_functions() False """ Tensor = torch.Tensor return { torch.typename, torch.is_tensor, torch.is_storage, torch.set_default_tensor_type, torch.set_rng_state, torch.get_rng_state, torch.manual_seed, torch.initial_seed, torch.seed,, torch.load, torch.set_printoptions, torch.fork, torch.get_default_dtype, torch.get_num_interop_threads, torch.get_num_threads, torch.init_num_threads, torch.import_ir_module, torch.import_ir_module_from_buffer, torch.is_anomaly_enabled, torch.is_grad_enabled, torch.merge_type_from_type_comment, torch.parse_ir, torch.parse_schema, torch.parse_type_comment, torch.set_anomaly_enabled, torch.set_flush_denormal, torch.set_num_interop_threads, torch.set_num_threads, torch.wait, torch.as_tensor, torch.from_numpy, torch.get_device, torch.tensor, torch.default_generator, torch.has_cuda, torch.has_cudnn, torch.has_lapack, torch.device, torch.dtype, torch.finfo, torch.has_mkl, torch.has_mkldnn, torch.has_openmp, torch.iinfo, torch.memory_format, torch.qscheme, torch.set_grad_enabled, torch.no_grad, torch.enable_grad, torch.layout, torch.align_tensors, torch.arange, torch.as_strided, torch.bartlett_window, torch.blackman_window, torch.broadcast_shapes, torch.can_cast, torch.cudnn_affine_grid_generator, torch.cudnn_batch_norm, torch.cudnn_convolution, torch.cudnn_convolution_transpose, torch.cudnn_grid_sampler, torch.cudnn_is_acceptable, torch.empty, torch.empty_meta, torch.empty_strided, torch.empty_quantized, torch.eye, torch.fft.fftfreq, torch.fft.rfftfreq, torch.from_file, torch.full, torch.hamming_window, torch.hann_window, torch.kaiser_window, torch.linspace, torch.logspace, torch.mkldnn_adaptive_avg_pool2d, torch.mkldnn_convolution, torch.mkldnn_convolution_backward_weights, torch.mkldnn_max_pool2d, torch.mkldnn_max_pool3d, torch.mkldnn_linear_backward_weights, torch.normal, torch.ones, torch.promote_types, torch.rand, torch.randn, torch.randint, torch.randperm, torch.range, torch.result_type, torch.scalar_tensor, torch.sparse_coo_tensor, torch.tril_indices, torch.triu_indices, torch.vander, torch.zeros, torch._jit_internal.boolean_dispatch, torch.nn.functional.assert_int_or_pair, torch.nn.functional.upsample, torch.nn.functional.upsample_bilinear, torch.nn.functional.upsample_nearest, torch.nn.functional.has_torch_function, torch.nn.functional.has_torch_function_unary, torch.nn.functional.has_torch_function_variadic, torch.nn.functional.handle_torch_function, torch.nn.functional.sigmoid, torch.nn.functional.hardsigmoid, torch.nn.functional.tanh, has_torch_function, handle_torch_function, torch.set_autocast_enabled, torch.is_autocast_enabled, torch.clear_autocast_cache, torch.autocast_increment_nesting, torch.autocast_decrement_nesting, torch.nn.functional.hardswish, torch.is_vulkan_available, torch.is_deterministic, torch.are_deterministic_algorithms_enabled, torch.use_deterministic_algorithms, torch.set_deterministic, torch.unify_type_list, Tensor.__delitem__, Tensor.__dir__, Tensor.__getattribute__, Tensor.__init__, Tensor.__init_subclass__, Tensor.__delattr__, Tensor.__setattr__, Tensor.__torch_function__, Tensor.__new__, Tensor.__class__, Tensor.__subclasshook__, Tensor.as_subclass, Tensor.reinforce,, Tensor.new_tensor, Tensor.new_empty, Tensor.new_empty_strided, Tensor.new_zeros, Tensor.new_ones, Tensor.new_full, Tensor._make_subclass, Tensor.stride, Tensor.unflatten, Tensor._reduce_ex_internal, }
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(None) def get_testing_overrides() -> Dict[Callable, Callable]: """Return a dict containing dummy overrides for all overridable functions Returns ------- Dict[Callable, Callable] A dictionary that maps overridable functions in the PyTorch API to lambda functions that have the same signature as the real function and unconditionally return -1. These lambda functions are useful for testing API coverage for a type that defines ``__torch_function__``. Examples -------- >>> import inspect >>> my_add = torch.overrides.get_testing_overrides()[torch.add] >>> inspect.signature(my_add) <Signature (input, other, out=None)> """ # Every function in the PyTorchAPI that can be overriden needs an entry # in this dict. # # Optimally we would use inspect to get the function signature and define # the lambda function procedurally but that is blocked by generating # function signatures for native kernels that can be consumed by inspect. # See Issue #28233. Tensor = torch.Tensor ret: Dict[Callable, Callable] = { torch.abs: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.absolute: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.adaptive_avg_pool1d: lambda input, output_size: -1, torch.adaptive_max_pool1d: lambda inputs, output_size: -1, torch.acos: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.arccos: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.acosh: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.arccosh: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.add: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.addbmm: lambda input, batch1, batch2, alpha=1, beta=1, out=None: -1, torch.addcdiv: lambda input, tensor1, tensor2, value=1, out=None: -1, torch.addcmul: lambda input, tensor1, tensor2, value=1, out=None: -1, torch.addmm: lambda input, mat1, mat2, beta=1, alpha=1, out=None: -1, torch.addmv: lambda input, mat, vec, beta=1, alpha=1, out=None: -1, torch.addr: lambda input, vec1, vec2, beta=1, alpha=1, out=None: -1, torch.affine_grid_generator: lambda theta, size, align_corners: -1, torch.all: lambda input, dim=None: -1, torch.allclose: lambda input, other, trol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False: -1, torch.alpha_dropout: lambda input, p, train, inplace=False: -1, torch.amax: lambda input, dim=None: -1, torch.amin: lambda input, dim=None: -1, torch.angle: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.any: lambda input, dim=None, keepdim=False, out=None: -1, torch.argmax: lambda input: -1, torch.argmin: lambda input: -1, torch.argsort: lambda input, dim=None: -1, torch.asin: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.arcsin: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.asinh: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.arcsinh: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.atan: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.arctan: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.atan2: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.atanh: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.arctanh: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.atleast_1d: lambda *tensors: -1, torch.atleast_2d: lambda *tensors: -1, torch.atleast_3d: lambda *tensors: -1, torch.avg_pool1d: lambda input, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, ceil_mode=False, count_include_pad=True: -1, torch.baddbmm: lambda input, batch1, batch2, alpha=1, beta=1, out=None: -1, torch.batch_norm: lambda input, weight, bias, running_mean, running_var, training, momentum, eps, cudnn_enabled: -1, torch.batch_norm_backward_elemt: lambda grad_out, input, mean, invstd, weight, mean_dy, mean_dy_xmu: -1, torch.batch_norm_backward_reduce: lambda grad_out, input, mean, invstd, weight, input_g, weight_g, bias_g: -1, torch.batch_norm_elemt: lambda input, weight, bias, mean, invstd, eps: -1, torch.batch_norm_gather_stats: lambda input, mean, invstd, running_mean, running_var, momentum, eps, count: -1, torch.batch_norm_gather_stats_with_counts: lambda input, mean, invstd, running_mean, running_var, momentum, eps, count: -1, torch.batch_norm_stats: lambda input, eps: -1, torch.batch_norm_update_stats: lambda input, running_mean, running_var, momentum: -1, torch.bernoulli: lambda input, generator=None, out=None: -1, torch.bilinear: lambda input1, input2, weight, bias: -1, torch.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits: (lambda input, target, weight=None, size_average=None, reduce=None, reduction='mean', pos_weight=None: -1), torch.bincount: lambda input, weights=None, minlength=0: -1, torch.binomial: lambda count, prob, generator=None: -1, torch.bitwise_and: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.bitwise_not: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.bitwise_or: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.bitwise_xor: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.block_diag: lambda *tensors: -1, torch.bmm: lambda input, mat2, out=None: -1, torch.broadcast_tensors: lambda *tensors: -1, torch.broadcast_to: lambda self, size: -1, torch.bucketize: lambda input, boundaries, out_int32=False, right=False, out=None: -1, torch.cartesian_prod: lambda *tensors: -1, lambda tensors, dim=0, out=None: -1, torch.cdist: lambda x1, x2, p=2.0, compute_mode='use_mm_for_euclid_dist_if_necessary': -1, torch.ceil: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.celu: lambda input, alhpa=1., inplace=False: -1, torch.chain_matmul: lambda *matrices: -1, torch.channel_shuffle: lambda input, groups : -1, torch.cholesky: lambda input, upper=False, out=None: -1, torch.linalg.cholesky: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.cholesky_inverse: lambda input, upper=False, out=None: -1, torch.cholesky_solve: lambda input1, input2, upper=False, out=None: -1, torch.choose_qparams_optimized: lambda input, numel, n_bins, ratio, bit_width: -1, torch.chunk: lambda input, chunks, dim=0: -1, torch.clamp: lambda input, min=None, max=None, out=None: -1, torch.clip: lambda input, min=None, max=None, out=None: -1, torch.clamp_min: lambda input, min, out=None: -1, torch.clamp_max: lambda input, max, out=None: -1, torch.column_stack: lambda tensors, out=None: -1, torch.clone: lambda input: -1, torch.combinations: lambda input, r=2, with_replacement=False: -1, torch.complex: lambda real, imag: -1, torch.copysign: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.polar: lambda abs, ang: -1, torch.linalg.cond: lambda input, ord=None: -1, torch.conj: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.constant_pad_nd: lambda input, pad, value=0: -1, torch.conv1d: lambda input, weight, bias=None, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, groups=1: -1, torch.conv2d: lambda input, weight, bias=None, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, groups=1: -1, torch.conv3d: lambda input, weight, bias=None, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, groups=1: -1, torch.convolution: lambda input, weight, bias, stride, padding, dilation, transposed, output_adding, groups: -1, torch.conv_tbc: lambda input, weight, bias, pad=0: -1, torch.conv_transpose1d: lambda input, weight, bias=None, stride=1, padding=0, output_padding=0, groups=1, dilation=1: -1, torch.conv_transpose2d: lambda input, weight, bias=None, stride=1, padding=0, output_padding=0, groups=1, dilation=1: -1, torch.conv_transpose3d: lambda input, weight, bias=None, stride=1, padding=0, output_padding=0, groups=1, dilation=1: -1, torch.cos: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.cosine_embedding_loss: lambda input1, input2, target, margin=0, size_average=None, reduce=None, reduction='mean': -1, torch.cosh: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.cosine_similarity: lambda x1, x2, dim=1, eps=1e-8: -1, torch.count_nonzero: lambda input: -1, torch.cross: lambda input, other, dim=-1, out=None: -1, torch.ctc_loss: (lambda log_probs, targets, input_lengths, target_lengths, blank=0, reduction='mean', zero_infinity=False: -1), torch.cummax: lambda input, dim, out=None: -1, torch.cummin: lambda input, dim, out=None: -1, torch.cumprod: lambda input, dim, out=None, dtype=None: -1, torch.cumsum: lambda input, dim, out=None, dtype=None: -1, torch.logcumsumexp: lambda input, dim, out=None: -1, torch.deg2rad: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.dequantize: lambda input: -1, torch.det: lambda input: -1, torch.linalg.det: lambda input: -1, # alias for torch.det # type: ignore[attr-defined] torch.detach: lambda input: -1, torch.diag: lambda input, diagonal=0, out=None: -1, torch.diag_embed: lambda input, diagonal=0, out=None: -1, torch.diagflat: lambda input, offset=0: -1, torch.diff: lambda input, n=1, dim=-1, prepend=None, append=None, out=None: -1, torch.diagonal: lambda input, offset=0, dim1=0, dim2=1: -1, torch.digamma: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.dist: lambda input, other, p=2: -1, torch.div: lambda input, other, rounding_mode='true', out=None: -1, torch.divide: lambda input, other, rounding_mode='true', out=None: -1, lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.dropout: lambda input, p, train, inplace=False: -1, torch.dsmm: lambda input, mat2: -1, torch.hsmm: lambda mat1, mat2: -1, torch.dstack: lambda tensors, out=None: -1, torch.eig: lambda input, eigenvectors=False, out=None: -1, torch.linalg.eigh: lambda input, UPLO="L", out=None: -1, torch.linalg.eigvalsh: lambda input, UPLO="L", out=None: -1, torch.einsum: lambda equation, *operands: -1, torch.embedding: (lambda input, weight, padding_idx=None, max_norm=None, norm_type=2.0, scale_grad_by_freq=False, sparse=False: -1), torch.embedding_bag: (lambda input, weight, offsets, max_norm=None, norm_type=2, scale_grad_by_freq=False, mode='mean', sparse=False, per_sample_weights=None: -1), torch.empty_like: lambda input, dtype=None, layout=None, device=None, requires_grad=False: -1, torch.eq: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.equal: lambda input, other: -1, torch.erf: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.erfc: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.erfinv: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.exp: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.exp2: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.expm1: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.fake_quantize_per_channel_affine: lambda input, scale, zero_point, axis, quant_min, quant_max: -1, torch.fake_quantize_per_tensor_affine: lambda input, scale, zero_point, quant_min, quant_max: -1, torch.fbgemm_linear_fp16_weight: lambda input, packed_weight, bias: -1, torch.fbgemm_linear_fp16_weight_fp32_activation: lambda input, packed_weight, bias: -1, torch.fbgemm_linear_int8_weight: lambda input, weight, packed, col_offsets, weight_scale, weight_zero_point, bias: -1, torch.fbgemm_linear_int8_weight_fp32_activation: (lambda input, weight, packed, col_offsets, weight_scale, weight_zero_point, bias: -1), torch.fbgemm_linear_quantize_weight: lambda input: -1, torch.fbgemm_pack_gemm_matrix_fp16: lambda input: -1, torch.fbgemm_pack_quantized_matrix: lambda input, a, b: -1, torch.feature_alpha_dropout: lambda input, p, train: -1, torch.feature_dropout: lambda input, p, train: -1, torch.fft.fft: lambda input, n=None, dim=-1, norm=None: -1, torch.fft.ifft: lambda input, n=None, dim=-1, norm=None: -1, torch.fft.rfft: lambda input, n=None, dim=-1, norm=None: -1, torch.fft.irfft: lambda input, n=None, dim=-1, norm=None: -1, torch.fft.hfft: lambda input, n=None, dim=-1, norm=None: -1, torch.fft.ihfft: lambda input, n=None, dim=-1, norm=None: -1, torch.fft.fftn: lambda input, s=None, dim=None, norm=None: -1, torch.fft.ifftn: lambda input, s=None, dim=None, norm=None: -1, torch.fft.rfftn: lambda input, s=None, dim=None, norm=None: -1, torch.fft.irfftn: lambda input, s=None, dim=None, norm=None: -1, torch.fft.fft2: lambda input, s=None, dim=(-2, -1), norm=None: -1, torch.fft.ifft2: lambda input, s=None, dim=(-2, -1), norm=None: -1, torch.fft.rfft2: lambda input, s=None, dim=(-2, -1), norm=None: -1, torch.fft.irfft2: lambda input, s=None, dim=(-2, -1), norm=None: -1, torch.fft.fftshift: lambda input, dim=None: -1, torch.fft.ifftshift: lambda input, dim=None: -1, torch.fft.fft: lambda input, n=None, dim=-1, norm=None: -1, torch.fix: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.flatten: lambda input, start_dim=0, end_dim=-1: -1, torch.flip: lambda input, dims: -1, torch.fliplr: lambda input: -1, torch.flipud: lambda input: -1, torch.frobenius_norm: lambda input, dim=None, keepdim=False, out=None: -1, torch.floor: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.floor_divide: lambda input, other: -1, torch.float_power: lambda input, exponent, out=None: -1, torch.fmod: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.frac: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.full_like: lambda input, fill_value, out=None, dtype=None, layout=torch.strided, device=None, requires_grad=False: -1, torch.functional.lu_unpack: lambda LU_data, LU_pivots, unpack_data=True, unpack_pivots=True: -1, torch.gather: lambda input, dim, index, out=None, sparse_grad=False: -1, torch.gcd: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.greater_equal: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.geqrf: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.i0: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.inner: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.outer: lambda input, vec2, out=None: -1, # alias for torch.ger torch.ger: lambda input, vec2, out=None: -1, torch.grid_sampler: lambda input, grid, interpolation_mode, padding_mode, align_corners: -1, torch.grid_sampler_2d: lambda input, grid, interpolation_mode, padding_mode, align_corners: -1, torch.grid_sampler_3d: lambda input, grid, interpolation_mode, padding_mode, align_corners: -1, torch.group_norm: lambda input, num_groups, weight=None, bias=None, eps=1e-05, cudnn_enabled=True: -1, torch.gru: lambda input, hx, params, has_biases, num_layers, gropout, train, bidirectional, batch_first: -1, torch.gru_cell: lambda input, hx, w_ih, w_hh, b_ih=None, b_hh=None: -1, lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.greater: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.hardshrink: lambda input, lambd=0.5: -1, torch.heaviside: lambda input, values, out=None: -1, torch.hinge_embedding_loss: lambda input, target, margin=1.0, size_average=None, reduce=None, reduction='mean': -1, torch.histc: lambda input, bins=100, min=0, max=0, out=None: -1, torch.hspmm: lambda mat1, mat2, out=None: -1, torch.hstack: lambda tensors, out=None: -1, torch.hypot: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.igamma: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.igammac: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.imag: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.index_add: lambda input, dim, index, source: -1, torch.index_copy: lambda input, dim, index, source: -1, torch.index_put: lambda input, indices, values, accumulate=False: -1, torch.index_select: lambda input, dim, index, out=None: -1, torch.index_fill: lambda input, dim, index, value: -1, torch.isfinite: lambda tensor: -1, torch.isinf: lambda tensor: -1, torch.isreal: lambda tensor: -1, torch.isposinf: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.isneginf: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.instance_norm: (lambda input, running_mean, running_var, weight, bias, use_input_stats, momentum, eps, cudnn_enabled: -1), torch.int_repr: lambda input: -1, torch.inverse: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.linalg.inv: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.is_complex: lambda input: -1, torch.is_distributed: lambda input: -1, torch.is_floating_point: lambda input: -1, torch.is_nonzero: lambda input: -1, torch.is_same_size: lambda input, other: -1, torch.is_signed: lambda input: -1, torch.isclose: lambda input, other, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False: -1, torch.isnan: lambda input: -1, torch.istft: (lambda input, n_fft, hop_length=None, win_length=None, window=None, center=True, normalized=False, onesided=None, length=None, return_complex=False: -1), torch.kl_div: lambda input, target, size_average=None, reduce=None, reduction='mean', log_target=False: -1, torch.kron: lambda input, other: -1, torch.kthvalue: lambda input, k, dim=None, keepdim=False, out=None: -1, torch.layer_norm: lambda input, normalized_shape, weight=None, bias=None, esp=1e-05, cudnn_enabled=True: -1, torch.lcm: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.ldexp: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.le: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.less_equal: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.lerp: lambda input, end, weight, out=None: -1, torch.lgamma: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.lobpcg: lambda input, k=None, B=None, X=None, n=None, iK=None, niter=None, tol=None, largest=None, method=None, tracker=None, ortho_iparams=None, ortho_fparams=None, ortho_bparams=None: -1, torch.log: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.log_softmax: lambda input, dim, dtype=None: -1, torch.log10: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.log1p: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.log2: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.logaddexp: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.logaddexp2: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.logdet: lambda input: -1, torch.xlogy: lambda x, y: -1, torch.logical_and: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.logical_not: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.logical_or: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.logical_xor: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.logsumexp: lambda input, names, keepdim=False, out=None: -1, torch.logit: lambda input, eps=None: -1, torch.logsumexp: lambda input, names, keepdim=False, out=None: -1, torch.lstm: lambda data, batch_sizes, hx, params, has_biases, num_layers, dropout, train, bidirectional: -1, torch.lstm_cell: lambda input, hx, w_ih, w_hh, b_ih=None, b_hh=None: -1, torch.lstsq: lambda input, A, out=None: -1, lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.less: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, lambda A, pivot=True, get_infos=False, out=None: -1, torch.lu_solve: lambda b, LU_data, LU_pivots, out=None: -1, torch.margin_ranking_loss: lambda input1, input2, target, margin=0, size_average=None, reduce=None, reduction='mean': -1, # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa: B950 torch.masked_fill: lambda input, mask, value: -1, torch.masked_scatter: lambda input, mask, source: -1, torch.masked_select: lambda input, mask, out=None: -1, torch.matmul: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.matrix_power: lambda input, n: -1, torch.matrix_rank: lambda input, tol=None, symmetric=False: -1, torch.linalg.matrix_rank: lambda input, tol=None, hermitian=False: -1, torch.matrix_exp: lambda input: -1, torch.max: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.maximum: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.fmax: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.max_pool1d: lambda input, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, dilation=1, ceil_mode=False: -1, torch.max_pool2d: lambda input, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, dilation=1, ceil_mode=False: -1, torch.max_pool3d: lambda input, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, dilation=1, ceil_mode=False: -1, torch.max_pool1d_with_indices: (lambda input, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, dilation=1, return_indices=False, ceil_mode=False: -1), torch.mean: lambda input, dim=None: -1, torch.median: lambda input, dim=None: -1, torch.nanmedian: lambda input, dim=None: -1, torch.meshgrid: lambda *tensors, **kwargs: -1, torch.min: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.minimum: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.fmin: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.miopen_batch_norm: (lambda input, weight, bias, running_mean, running_var, training, exponential_average_factor, epsilon: -1), torch.miopen_convolution: lambda input, weight, bias, padding, stride, dilation, groups, benchmark, deterministic: -1, torch.miopen_convolution_transpose: (lambda input, weight, bias, padding, output_padding, stride, dilation, groups, benchmark, deterministic: -1), torch.miopen_depthwise_convolution: (lambda input, weight, bias, padding, stride, dilation, groups, benchmark, deterministic: -1), torch.miopen_rnn: (lambda input, weight, weight_stride0, hx, cx, mode, hidden_size, num_layers, batch_first, dropout, train, bidirectional, batch_sizes, dropout_state: -1), lambda input, mat2, out=None: -1, torch.mode: lambda input, dim=-1, keepdim=False, out=None: -1, torch.movedim: lambda input, source, destination: -1, torch.moveaxis: lambda input, source, destination: -1, torch.msort: lambda input, descending=False, out=None: -1, torch.mul: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.multiply: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.multinomial: lambda input, num_samples, replacement=False, out=None: -1, lambda input, vec, out=None: -1, torch.mvlgamma: lambda input, p: -1, torch.narrow: lambda input, dim, start, length: -1, torch.narrow_copy: lambda input, dim, start, length: -1, torch.nan_to_num: lambda input, nan=0.0, posinf=None, neginf=None, out=None: -1, torch.native_batch_norm: lambda input, weight, bias, running_mean, running_var, training, momentum, eps: -1, torch.native_layer_norm: lambda input, normalized_shape, weight=None, bias=None, eps=1e-05: -1, torch.native_group_norm: lambda input, weight, bias, N, C, HxW, group, eps: -1, torch.native_norm: lambda input, p=2: -1, torch.native_norm: lambda input, p=2: -1, torch.native_norm: lambda input, p=2, dim=None, keepdim=False, dtype=None: -1, lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.not_equal: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.neg: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.negative: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.nextafter: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.nn.functional.adaptive_avg_pool2d: lambda input, output_size: -1, torch.nn.functional.adaptive_avg_pool3d: lambda input, output_size: -1, torch.nn.functional.adaptive_max_pool1d: lambda input, output_size, return_indices=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.adaptive_max_pool1d_with_indices: lambda input, output_size, return_indices=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.adaptive_max_pool2d: lambda input, output_size, return_indices=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.adaptive_max_pool2d_with_indices: lambda input, output_size, return_indices=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.adaptive_max_pool3d: lambda input, output_size, return_indices=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.adaptive_max_pool3d_with_indices: lambda input, output_size, return_indices=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.affine_grid: lambda theta, size, align_corners=None: -1, torch.nn.functional.alpha_dropout: lambda input, p=0.5, training=False, inplace=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.avg_pool2d: (lambda input, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, ceil_mode=False, count_include_pad=True, divisor_override=None: -1), torch.nn.functional.avg_pool3d: (lambda input, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, ceil_mode=False, count_include_pad=True, divisor_override=None: -1), torch.nn.functional.batch_norm: (lambda input, running_mean, running_var, weight=None, bias=None, training=False, momentum=0.1, eps=1e-05: -1), torch.nn.functional.bilinear: lambda input1, input2, weight, bias=None: -1, torch.nn.functional.binary_cross_entropy: (lambda input, target, weight=None, size_average=None, reduce=None, reduction="mean": -1), torch.nn.functional.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits: (lambda input, target, weight=None, size_average=None, reduce=None, reduction="mean", pos_weight=None: -1), torch.nn.functional.celu: lambda input, alpha=1.0, inplace=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.cosine_embedding_loss: (lambda input1, input2, target, margin=0, size_average=None, reduce=None, reduction='mean': -1), torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy: (lambda input, target, weight=None, size_average=None, ignore_index=-100, reduce=None, reduction="mean": -1), torch.nn.functional.ctc_loss: (lambda log_probs, targets, input_lengths, target_lengths, blank=0, reduction='mean', zero_infinity=False: -1), torch.nn.functional.dropout: lambda input, p=0.5, training=True, inplace=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.dropout2d: lambda input, p=0.5, training=True, inplace=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.dropout3d: lambda input, p=0.5, training=True, inplace=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.elu: lambda input, alpha=1.0, inplace=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.embedding: (lambda input, weight, padding_idx=None, max_norm=None, norm_type=2.0, scale_grad_by_freq=False, sparse=False: -1), torch.nn.functional.embedding_bag: (lambda input, weight, offsets=None, max_norm=None, norm_type=2, scale_grad_by_freq=False, mode='mean', sparse=False, per_sample_weights=None, include_last_offset=False: -1), torch.nn.functional.feature_alpha_dropout: lambda input, p=0.5, training=False, inplace=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.fold: lambda input, output_size, kernel_size, dilation=1, padding=0, stride=1: -1, torch.nn.functional.fractional_max_pool2d: (lambda input, kernel_size, output_size=None, output_ratio=None, return_indices=False, _random_samples=None: -1), torch.nn.functional.fractional_max_pool2d_with_indices: ( lambda input, kernel_size, output_size=None, output_ratio=None, return_indices=False, _random_samples=None: -1), torch.nn.functional.fractional_max_pool3d: (lambda input, kernel_size, output_size=None, output_ratio=None, return_indices=False, _random_samples=None: -1), torch.nn.functional.fractional_max_pool3d_with_indices: ( lambda input, kernel_size, output_size=None, output_ratio=None, return_indices=False, _random_samples=None: -1), torch.nn.functional.gaussian_nll_loss: (lambda input, target, var, full=False, eps=1e-06, reduction='mean': -1), torch.nn.functional.gelu: lambda input: -1, torch.nn.functional.glu: lambda input, dim=-1: -1, torch.nn.functional.grid_sample: lambda input, grid, mode='bilinear', padding_mode='zeros', align_corners=None: -1, torch.nn.functional.group_norm: lambda input, num_groups, weight=None, bias=None, eps=1e-05: -1, torch.nn.functional.gumbel_softmax: lambda logits, tau=1, hard=False, eps=1e-10, dim=-1: -1, torch.nn.functional.hardshrink: lambda input, lambd=0.5: -1, torch.nn.functional.hardtanh: lambda input, min_val=-1., max_val=1., inplace=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.hinge_embedding_loss: (lambda input, target, margin=1.0, size_average=None, reduce=None, reduction='mean': -1), torch.nn.functional.instance_norm: (lambda input, running_mean=None, running_var=None, weight=None, bias=None, use_input_stats=True, momentum=0.1, eps=1e-05: -1), torch.nn.functional.interpolate: (lambda input, size=None, scale_factor=None, mode='nearest', align_corners=None, recompute_scale_factor=None: -1), torch.nn.functional.kl_div: lambda input, target, size_average=None, reduce=None, reduction='mean', log_target=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.l1_loss: lambda input, target, size_average=None, reduce=None, reduction='mean': -1, torch.nn.functional.layer_norm: lambda input, normalized_shape, weight=None, bias=None, eps=1e-05: -1, torch.nn.functional.leaky_relu: lambda input, negative_slope=0.01, inplace=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.linear: lambda input, weight, bias=None: -1, torch.nn.functional.local_response_norm: lambda input, size, alpha=0.0001, beta=0.75, k=1.0: -1, torch.nn.functional.log_softmax: lambda input, dim=None, _stacklevel=3, dtype=None: -1, torch.nn.functional.logsigmoid: lambda input: -1, torch.nn.functional.lp_pool1d: lambda input, norm_type, kernel_size, stride=None, ceil_mode=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.lp_pool2d: lambda input, norm_type, kernel_size, stride=None, ceil_mode=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.margin_ranking_loss: (lambda input1, input2, target, margin=0, size_average=None, reduce=None, reduction='mean': -1), torch.nn.functional.max_pool1d: (lambda input, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, dilation=1, ceil_mode=False, return_indices=False: -1), torch.nn.functional.max_pool1d_with_indices: (lambda input, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, dilation=1, return_indices=False, ceil_mode=False: -1), torch.nn.functional.max_pool2d: (lambda input, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, dilation=1, ceil_mode=False, return_indices=False: -1), torch.nn.functional.max_pool2d_with_indices: (lambda input, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, dilation=1, return_indices=False, ceil_mode=False: -1), torch.nn.functional.max_pool3d: (lambda input, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, dilation=1, return_indices=False, ceil_mode=False: -1), torch.nn.functional.max_pool3d_with_indices: (lambda input, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, dilation=1, return_indices=False, ceil_mode=False: -1), torch.nn.functional.max_unpool1d: lambda input, indices, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, output_size=None: -1, torch.nn.functional.max_unpool2d: lambda input, indices, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, output_size=None: -1, torch.nn.functional.max_unpool3d: lambda input, indices, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, output_size=None: -1, torch.nn.functional.mse_loss: lambda input, target, size_average=None, reduce=None, reduction='mean': -1, torch.nn.functional.multi_head_attention_forward: ( lambda query, key, value, embed_dim_to_check, num_heads, in_proj_weight, in_proj_bias, bias_k, bias_v, add_zero_attn, dropout_p, out_proj_weight, out_proj_bias, training=True, key_padding_mask=None, need_weights=True, attn_mask=None, use_separate_proj_weight=False, q_proj_weight=None, k_proj_weight=None, v_proj_weight=None, static_k=None, static_v=None: -1), torch.nn.functional.multi_margin_loss: (lambda input, target, p=1, margin=1.0, weight=None, size_average=None, reduce=None, reduction='mean': -1), torch.nn.functional.multilabel_margin_loss: (lambda input, target, size_average=None, reduce=None, reduction='mean': -1), torch.nn.functional.multilabel_soft_margin_loss: (lambda input, target, weight=None, size_average=None, reduce=None, reduction='mean': -1), torch.nn.functional.nll_loss: (lambda input, target, weight=None, size_average=None, ignore_index=-100, reduce=None, reduction='mean': -1), torch.nn.functional.normalize: lambda input, p=2, dim=1, eps=1e-12, out=None: -1, torch.nn.functional.one_hot: lambda tensor, num_classes=-1: -1, torch.nn.functional.pad: lambda input, pad, mode='constant', value=0: -1, torch.nn.functional.pairwise_distance: lambda x1, x2, p=2.0, eps=1e-06, keepdim=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.poisson_nll_loss: (lambda input, target, log_input=True, full=False, size_average=None, eps=1e-08, reduce=None, reduction='mean': -1), torch.nn.functional.prelu: lambda input, weight: -1, torch.nn.functional.relu: lambda input, inplace=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.relu6: lambda input, inplace=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.rrelu: lambda input, lower=0.125, upper=0.3333333333333333, training=False, inplace=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.selu: lambda input, inplace=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.silu: lambda input, inplace=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.smooth_l1_loss: lambda input, target, size_average=None, reduce=None, reduction='mean', beta=1.: -1, torch.nn.functional.soft_margin_loss: lambda input, target, size_average=None, reduce=None, reduction='mean': -1, torch.nn.functional.softmax: lambda input, dim=None, _stacklevel=3, dtype=None: -1, torch.nn.functional.softmin: lambda input, dim=None, _stacklevel=3, dtype=None: -1, torch.nn.functional.softplus: lambda input, beta=1, threshold=20: -1, torch.nn.functional.softshrink: lambda input, lambd=0.5: -1, torch.nn.functional.softsign: lambda input: -1, torch.nn.functional.tanhshrink: lambda input: -1, torch.nn.functional.threshold: lambda input, threshold, value, inplace=False: -1, torch.nn.functional.triplet_margin_loss: (lambda anchor, positive, negative, margin=1.0, p=2, eps=1e-06, swap=False, size_average=None, reduce=None, reduction='mean': -1), torch.nn.functional.triplet_margin_with_distance_loss: (lambda anchor, positive, negative, *, distance_function=None, margin=1.0, swap=False, reduction='mean': -1), torch.nn.functional.unfold: lambda input, kernel_size, dilation=1, padding=0, stride=1: -1, torch.nonzero: lambda input, as_tuple=False: -1, torch.norm: lambda input, p='fro', dim=None, keepdim=False, out=None, dtype=None: -1, torch.norm_except_dim: lambda v, pow=2, dim=0: -1, torch.nuclear_norm: lambda input, p='fro', dim=None, keepdim=False, out=None, dtype=None: -1, torch.numel: lambda input: -1, torch.orgqr: lambda input1, input2: -1, torch.ormqr: lambda input, input2, input3, left=True, transpose=False: -1, torch.pairwise_distance: lambda x1, x2, p=2.0, eps=1e-06, keepdim=False: -1, torch.pca_lowrank: lambda input, q=None, center=True, niter=2: -1, torch.pdist: lambda input, p=2: -1, torch.pinverse: lambda input, rcond=1e-15: -1, torch.linalg.pinv: lambda input, rcond=1e-15, hermitian=False: -1, torch.pixel_shuffle: lambda input, upscale_factor: -1, torch.pixel_unshuffle: lambda input, downscale_factor: -1, torch.poisson: lambda input, generator=None: -1, torch.poisson_nll_loss: lambda input, target, log_input, full, eps, reduction: -1, torch.polygamma: lambda input, n, out=None: -1, torch.prelu: lambda input, weight: -1, torch.ones_like: lambda input, dtype=None, layout=None, device=None, requires_grad=False: -1, torch.pow: lambda input, exponent, out=None: -1, lambda input, dtype=None: -1, torch.q_per_channel_axis: lambda input: -1, torch.q_per_channel_scales: lambda input: -1, torch.q_per_channel_zero_points: lambda input: -1, torch.q_scale: lambda input: -1, torch.q_zero_point: lambda input: -1, torch.qr: lambda input, some=True, out=None: -1, torch.linalg.qr: lambda input, mode='reduced', out=None: -1, torch.quantile: lambda input, q, dim=None, keepdim=False, out=None: -1, torch.nanquantile: lambda input, q, dim=None, keepdim=False, out=None: -1, torch.quantize_per_channel: lambda input, scales, zero_points, axis, dtype: -1, torch.quantize_per_tensor: lambda input, scale, zero_point, dtype: -1, torch.quantized_batch_norm: lambda input, weight, bias, mean, var, eps, output_scale, output_zero_point: -1, torch.quantized_gru_cell: (lambda input, hx, w_ih, w_hh, b_ih, b_hh, packed_ih, packed_hh, col_offsets_ih, col_offsets_hh, scale_ih, scale_hh, zero_point_ih, zero_point_hh: -1), torch.quantized_lstm_cell: (lambda input, hx, w_ih, w_hh, b_ih, b_hh, packed_ih, packed_hh, col_offsets_ih, col_offsets_hh, scale_ih, scale_hh, zero_point_ih, zero_point_hh: -1), torch.quantized_max_pool1d: (lambda input, kernel_size, stride=tuple(), padding=(0,), dilation=(1,), ceil_mode=False: -1), torch.quantized_max_pool2d: (lambda input, kernel_size, stride=tuple(), padding=(0, 0), dilation=(1, 1), ceil_mode=False: -1), torch.quantized_rnn_relu_cell: (lambda input, hx, w_ih, w_hh, b_ih, b_hh, packed_ih, packed_hh, col_offsets_ih, col_offsets_hh, scale_ih, scale_hh, zero_point_ih, zero_point_hh: -1), torch.quantized_rnn_tanh_cell: (lambda input, hx, w_ih, w_hh, b_ih, b_hh, packed_ih, packed_hh, col_offsets_ih, col_offsets_hh, scale_ih, scale_hh, zero_point_ih, zero_point_hh: -1), torch.rad2deg: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.rand_like: lambda input, dtype=None, layout=None, device=None, requires_grad=False: -1, torch.randint_like: lambda input, high, dtype=None, layout=torch.strided, device=None, requires_grad=False: -1, torch.randn_like: lambda input, dtype=None, layout=None, device=None, requires_grad=False: -1, torch.ravel: lambda input: -1, torch.real: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.vdot: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.view_as_real: lambda input: -1, torch.view_as_complex: lambda input: -1, torch.reciprocal: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.relu: lambda input, inplace=False: -1, torch.remainder: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.renorm: lambda input, p, dim, maxnorm, out=None: -1, torch.repeat_interleave: lambda input, dim=None: -1, torch.reshape: lambda input, shape: -1, torch.rnn_relu: lambda input, hx, params, has_biases, num_layers, dropout, train, bidirectional, batch_first: -1, torch.rnn_relu_cell: lambda input, hx, w_ih, w_hh, b_ih=None, b_hh=None: -1, torch.rnn_tanh: lambda input, hx, params, has_biases, num_layers, dropout, train, bidirectional, batch_first: -1, torch.rnn_tanh_cell: lambda input, hx, w_ih, w_hh, b_ih=None, b_hh=None: -1, torch.roll: lambda input, shifts, dims=None: -1, torch.rot90: lambda input, k=1, dims=(0, 1): -1, torch.round: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.row_stack: lambda tensors, out=None: -1, # alias for torch.vstack torch._rowwise_prune: (lambda weight, mask, compressed_indices_dtype: -1), torch.rrelu: lambda input, lower=1. / 8, upper=1. / 3, training=False, inplace=False: -1, torch.rsqrt: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.rsub: lambda input, other, alpha=1: -1, torch.saddmm: lambda input, mat1, mat2, beta=1, alpha=1, out=None: -1, torch.scatter: lambda input, dim, index, src: -1, torch.scatter_add: lambda input, dim, index, src: -1, torch.searchsorted: lambda sorted_sequence, input, out_int32=False, right=False, out=None: -1, lambda input, dim, index: -1, torch.selu: lambda input, inplace=False: -1, torch.sigmoid: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.sign: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.signbit: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.sgn: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.sin: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.sinc: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.sinh: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.slogdet: lambda input: -1, torch.linalg.slogdet: lambda input: -1, torch.smm: lambda input, mat2: -1, torch.spmm: lambda input, mat2: -1, torch.softmax: lambda input, dim, dtype=None: -1, torch.solve: lambda input, A, out=None: -1, torch.linalg.solve: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.sort: lambda input, dim=-1, descending=False, out=None: -1, torch.split: lambda tensor, split_size_or_sections, dim=0: -1, torch.split_with_sizes: lambda tensor, split_size_or_sections, dim=0: -1, torch.sqrt: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.square: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.squeeze: lambda input, dim=None, out=None: -1, torch.sspaddmm: lambda input, mat1, mat2, beta=1, alpha=1, out=None: -1, torch.stack: lambda tensors, dim=0, out=None: -1, torch.std: lambda input, dim=None: -1, torch.std_mean: lambda input, dim=None: -1, torch.stft: (lambda input, n_fft, hop_length=None, win_length=None, window=None, center=True, pad_mode='reflect', normalized=False, onesided=True, return_complex=None: -1), torch.sub: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.subtract: lambda input, other, out=None: -1, torch.sum: lambda input, dim=None: -1, torch.nansum: lambda input, dim=None: -1, torch.svd: lambda input, some=True, compute_uv=True, out=None: -1, torch.svd_lowrank: lambda input, q=6, niter=2, M=None: -1, torch.linalg.svd: lambda input, full_matrices=True, compute_uv=True, out=None: -1, torch.symeig: lambda input, eigenvectors=False, upper=True, out=None: -1, torch.swapaxes: lambda input, dim0, dim1: -1, torch.swapdims: lambda input, axis0, axis1: -1, torch.t: lambda input: -1, torch.take: lambda input, index: -1, torch.tan: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.tanh: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.linalg.tensorinv: lambda a, ind=2: -1, torch.linalg.tensorsolve: lambda a, b, dims=None: -1, torch.tensordot: lambda a, b, dims=2, out=None: -1, torch.tensor_split: lambda input, indices_or_sections, dim=0: -1, torch.threshold: lambda input, threshold, value, inplace=False: -1, torch.tile: lambda input, dims: -1, torch.topk: lambda input, k, dim=-1, descending=False, out=None: -1, torch.trace: lambda input: -1, torch.transpose: lambda input, dim0, dim1: -1, torch.trapz: lambda y, x=None, dim=-1: -1, torch.triangular_solve: lambda input, A, upper=True, transpose=False, unitriangular=False: -1, torch.tril: lambda input, diagonal=0, out=None: -1, torch.triplet_margin_loss: (lambda anchor, positive, negative, margin=1.0, p=2, eps=1e-06, swap=False, size_average=None, reduce=None, reduction='mean': -1), torch.triu: lambda input, diagonal=0, out=None: -1, torch.true_divide: lambda input, other: -1, torch.trunc: lambda input, out=None: -1, torch.unbind: lambda input, dim=0: -1, torch.unique: lambda input, sorted=True, return_inverse=False, return_counts=False, dim=None: -1, torch.unique_consecutive: lambda input, return_inverse=False, return_counts=False, dim=None: -1, torch.unsafe_chunk: lambda input, chunks, dim=0: -1, torch.unsafe_split: lambda tensor, split_size_or_sections, dim=0: -1, torch.unsafe_split_with_sizes: lambda tensor, split_size_or_sections, dim=0: -1, torch.unsqueeze: lambda input, dim, out=None: -1, torch.var: lambda input, dim=None: -1, torch.var_mean: lambda input, dim=None: -1, torch.vstack: lambda tensors, out=None: -1, torch.where: lambda condition, x=None, y=None: -1, torch.zeros_like: lambda input, dtype=None, layout=None, device=None, requires_grad=False: -1, Tensor.__floordiv__: lambda self, other: -1, Tensor.__rfloordiv__: lambda self, other: -1, Tensor.__ifloordiv__: lambda self, other: -1, Tensor.__truediv__: lambda self, other: -1, Tensor.__rtruediv__: lambda self, other: -1, Tensor.__itruediv__: lambda self, other: -1, Tensor.__lshift__: lambda self, other: -1, Tensor.__ilshift__: lambda self, other: -1, Tensor.__rshift__: lambda self, other: -1, Tensor.__irshift__: lambda self, other: -1, Tensor.__float__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.__complex__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.__array__: lambda self, dtype: -1, Tensor.__bool__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.__contains__: lambda self, other: -1, Tensor.__neg__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.__invert__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.__mod__: lambda self, other: -1, Tensor.__imod__: lambda self, other: -1, Tensor.__array_wrap__: lambda self, array: -1, Tensor.__getitem__: lambda self, idx: -1, Tensor.__deepcopy__: lambda self, memo: -1, Tensor.__iter__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.__int__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.__long__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.__hash__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.__index__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.__len__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.__format__: lambda self, format_spec: -1, Tensor.__reduce_ex__: lambda self, proto: -1, Tensor.__reversed__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.__repr__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.__setitem__: lambda self, k, v: -1, Tensor.__setstate__: lambda self, d: -1, Tensor.T.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor._backward_hooks.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor._base.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor._cdata.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.grad.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor._grad.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor._grad_fn.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.grad_fn.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor._version.__get__: lambda self: -1, lambda self: -1, Tensor.device.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.dtype.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.is_cuda.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.is_xpu.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.is_leaf.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.is_meta.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.is_mkldnn.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.is_quantized.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.is_sparse.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.is_vulkan.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.layout.__get__: lambda self: -1, lambda self: -1, Tensor.names.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.ndim.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.output_nr.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.requires_grad.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.shape.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.volatile.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.real.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.imag.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.__cuda_array_interface__.__get__: lambda self: -1, Tensor.type: lambda self, dtype=None, non_blocking=False, **kwargs: -1, Tensor._coalesced_: lambda self: -1, Tensor._dimI: lambda self: -1, Tensor._dimV: lambda self: -1, Tensor._indices: lambda self: -1, Tensor._is_view: lambda self: -1, Tensor._nnz: lambda self: -1, Tensor._update_names: lambda self, names, inplace: -1, Tensor._values: lambda self: -1, Tensor.align_as: lambda self, other: -1, Tensor.align_to: lambda self, order, ellipsis_idx: -1, Tensor.apply_: lambda self, callable: -1, Tensor.as_strided: lambda self, size, stride: -1, Tensor.as_strided_: lambda self, size, stride: -1, Tensor.backward: lambda self, gradient=None, retain_graph=None, create_graph=False, inputs=None: -1, Tensor.bfloat16: lambda self, memory_format=torch.preserve_format: -1, Tensor.bool: lambda self, memory_format=torch.preserve_format: -1, Tensor.byte: lambda self, memory_format=torch.preserve_format: -1, Tensor.char: lambda self, memory_format=torch.preserve_format: -1, Tensor.cauchy_: lambda self, median=0, sigma=1, *, generator=None: -1, Tensor.coalesce: lambda self: -1, Tensor._coalesced_: lambda self, coalesced: -1, Tensor.contiguous: lambda self, memory_format=torch.contiguous_format: -1, Tensor.copy_: lambda self, src, non_blocking=False: -1, Tensor.cpu: lambda self, memory_format=torch.preserve_format: -1, Tensor.cuda: lambda self, memory_format=torch.preserve_format: -1, Tensor.xpu: lambda self, memory_format=torch.preserve_format: -1, Tensor.data_ptr: lambda self: -1, Tensor.dense_dim: lambda self: -1, Tensor.dim: lambda self: -1, Tensor.double: lambda self, memory_format=torch.preserve_format: -1, Tensor.element_size: lambda self: -1, Tensor.expand: lambda self, size: -1, Tensor.expand_as: lambda self, other: -1, Tensor.exponential_: lambda self, lambd=1, *, generator=None: -1, Tensor.fill_: lambda self, value: -1, Tensor.fill_diagonal_: lambda self, value: -1, Tensor.float: lambda self, memory_format=torch.preserve_format: -1, Tensor.geometric_: lambda self, p, *, generator=None: -1, Tensor.get_device: lambda self: -1, Tensor.half: lambda self, memory_format=torch.preserve_format: -1, Tensor.has_names: lambda self: -1, Tensor.indices: lambda self: -1, lambda self, memory_format=torch.preserve_format: -1, Tensor.is_coalesced: lambda self: -1, Tensor.is_contiguous: lambda self: -1, Tensor.is_pinned: lambda self: -1, Tensor.is_set_to: lambda self, tensor: -1, Tensor.is_shared: lambda self: -1, Tensor.item: lambda self: -1, Tensor.log_normal_: lambda self, mean=1, std=2, *, generator=None: -1, Tensor.log_softmax: lambda self, dim: -1, Tensor.long: lambda self, memory_format=torch.preserve_format: -1, Tensor.map_: lambda self, tensor, callable: -1, Tensor.map2_: lambda self, x, y, callable: -1, lambda self, mat2: -1, Tensor.narrow_copy: lambda self, dimension, start, length: -1, Tensor.ndimension: lambda self: -1, Tensor.nelement: lambda self: -1, Tensor.normal_: lambda self: -1, Tensor.numpy: lambda self: -1, Tensor.permute: lambda self, dim: -1, Tensor.pin_memory: lambda self: -1, Tensor.put_: lambda self, indices, tensor, accumulate=False: -1, Tensor.qscheme: lambda self: -1, Tensor.random_: lambda self, from_=0, to=None, *, generator=None: -1, Tensor.record_stream: lambda self, stream: -1, Tensor.refine_names: lambda self, names: -1, Tensor.register_hook: lambda self, hook: -1, Tensor.rename: lambda self, name: -1, Tensor.repeat: lambda self, *size: -1, Tensor.requires_grad_: lambda self, requires_grad=True: -1, Tensor.reshape_as: lambda self, other: -1, Tensor.resize: lambda self, *size: -1, Tensor.resize_: lambda self, size: -1, Tensor.resize_as: lambda self, other: -1, Tensor.retain_grad: lambda self: -1, Tensor.set_: lambda self, source=None, storage_offset=0, size=None, stride=None: -1, Tensor.share_memory_: lambda self: -1, Tensor.short: lambda self, memory_format=torch.preserve_format: -1, Tensor.size: lambda self: -1, Tensor.sparse_dim: lambda self: -1, Tensor.sparse_mask: lambda self, mask: -1, Tensor.sparse_resize_: lambda self, size1, size2, dense_dim: -1, Tensor.sparse_resize_and_clear_: lambda self, size1, size2, dense_dim: -1, Tensor.sspaddmm: lambda self, mat1, mat2, beta=1, alpha=1, out=None: -1, lambda self: -1, Tensor.storage_offset: lambda self: -1, Tensor.storage_type: lambda self: -1, Tensor.sum_to_size: lambda self, size: -1, Tensor.tile: lambda self, *reps: -1, lambda self, dtype, non_blocking=False, copy=False, memory_format=torch.preserve_format: -1, Tensor.to_dense: lambda self: -1, Tensor.to_sparse: lambda self: -1, Tensor.tolist: lambda self: -1, Tensor.to_mkldnn: lambda self: -1, Tensor.type_as: lambda self, other: -1, Tensor.unfold: lambda self, dimension, size, step: -1, Tensor.uniform_: lambda self, from_=0, to=1: -1, Tensor.values: lambda self: -1, Tensor.view: lambda self, shape: -1, Tensor.view_as: lambda self, other: -1, Tensor.zero_: lambda self: -1, torch.linalg.norm: lambda self: -1 } ret2 = {} ignored = get_ignored_functions() for k, v in ret.items(): # Generate methods like __add__ and add_ by default from add names = [ k.__name__, # Default method k.__name__ + "_", # Inplace variant "__" + k.__name__ + "__", # Dunder method "__i" + k.__name__ + "__", # Inplace dunder method "__r" + k.__name__ + "__", # Reverse dunder method ] if k.__name__.startswith("bitwise_"): # bitwise_<op> have dunder methods of the form __<op>__ # And so on. subname = k.__name__[len("bitwise_"):] names.extend([ "__" + subname + "__", "__i" + subname + "__", "__r" + subname + "__" ]) for name in names: func = getattr(Tensor, name, None) if callable(func) and func not in ret and func not in ignored: ret2[func] = v ret.update(ret2) return ret
[docs]def wrap_torch_function(dispatcher: Callable): """Wraps a given function with ``__torch_function__`` -related functionality. Parameters ---------- dispatcher: Callable A callable that returns an iterable of Tensor-likes passed into the function. Note ---- This decorator may reduce the performance of your code. Generally, it's enough to express your code as a series of functions that, themselves, support __torch_function__. If you find yourself in the rare situation where this is not the case, e.g. if you're wrapping a low-level library and you also need it to work for Tensor-likes, then this function is available. Examples -------- >>> def dispatcher(a): # Must have the same signature as func ... return (a,) >>> @torch.overrides.wrap_torch_function(dispatcher) >>> def func(a): # This will make func dispatchable by __torch_function__ ... return a + 0 """ def inner(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): relevant_args = dispatcher(*args, **kwargs) if has_torch_function(relevant_args): return handle_torch_function(func, relevant_args, *args, **kwargs) return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped return inner
def _get_overloaded_args(relevant_args: Iterable[Any]) -> List[Any]: """Returns a list of arguments on which to call __torch_function__. Checks arguments in relevant_args for __torch_function__ implementations, storing references to the arguments and their types in overloaded_args and overloaded_types in order of calling precedence. Only distinct types are considered. If a type is a subclass of another type it will have higher precedence, otherwise the precedence order is the same as the order of arguments in relevant_args, that is, from left-to-right in the argument list. The precedence-determining algorithm implemented in this function is described in `NEP-0018`_. See torch::append_overloaded_arg for the equivalent function in the C++ implementation. Parameters ---------- relevant_args : iterable of array-like Iterable of array-like arguments to check for __torch_function__ methods. Returns ------- overloaded_args : list Arguments from relevant_args on which to call __torch_function__ methods, in the order in which they should be called. .. _NEP-0018: """ # Runtime is O(num_arguments * num_unique_types) overloaded_types: Set[Type] = set() overloaded_args: List[Any] = [] for arg in relevant_args: arg_type = type(arg) # We only collect arguments if they have a unique type, which ensures # reasonable performance even with a long list of possibly overloaded # arguments. if (arg_type not in overloaded_types and hasattr(arg_type, '__torch_function__')): # Create lists explicitly for the first type (usually the only one # done) to avoid setting up the iterator for overloaded_args. if overloaded_types: overloaded_types.add(arg_type) # By default, insert argument at the end, but if it is # subclass of another argument, insert it before that argument. # This ensures "subclasses before superclasses". index = len(overloaded_args) for i, old_arg in enumerate(overloaded_args): if issubclass(arg_type, type(old_arg)): index = i break overloaded_args.insert(index, arg) else: overloaded_types = {arg_type} overloaded_args = [arg] return overloaded_args
[docs]def handle_torch_function( public_api: Callable, relevant_args: Iterable[Any], *args, **kwargs) -> Any: """Implement a function with checks for ``__torch_function__`` overrides. See torch::autograd::handle_torch_function for the equivalent of this function in the C++ implementation. Arguments --------- public_api : function Function exposed by the public torch API originally called like ``public_api(*args, **kwargs)`` on which arguments are now being checked. relevant_args : iterable Iterable of arguments to check for __torch_function__ methods. args : tuple Arbitrary positional arguments originally passed into ``public_api``. kwargs : tuple Arbitrary keyword arguments originally passed into ``public_api``. Returns ------- object Result from calling ``implementation`` or an ``__torch_function__`` method, as appropriate. Raises ------ TypeError : if no implementation is found. Example ------- >>> def func(a): ... if type(a) is not torch.Tensor: # This will make func dispatchable by __torch_function__ ... return handle_torch_function(func, (a,), a) ... return a + 0 """ # Check for __torch_function__ methods. overloaded_args = _get_overloaded_args(relevant_args) # overloaded_args already have unique types. types = tuple(map(type, overloaded_args)) # Call overrides for overloaded_arg in overloaded_args: # Use `public_api` instead of `implementation` so __torch_function__ # implementations can do equality/identity comparisons. result = overloaded_arg.__torch_function__(public_api, types, args, kwargs) if result is not NotImplemented: return result func_name = '{}.{}'.format(public_api.__module__, public_api.__name__) raise TypeError("no implementation found for '{}' on types that implement " '__torch_function__: {}' .format(func_name, [type(arg) for arg in overloaded_args]))
has_torch_function = _add_docstr( _has_torch_function, r"""Check for __torch_function__ implementations in the elements of an iterable. Considers exact ``Tensor`` s and ``Parameter`` s non-dispatchable. Arguments --------- relevant_args : iterable Iterable or aguments to check for __torch_function__ methods. Returns ------- bool True if any of the elements of relevant_args have __torch_function__ implementations, False otherwise. See Also ________ torch.is_tensor_like Checks if something is a Tensor-like, including an exact ``Tensor``. """ ) has_torch_function_unary = _add_docstr( _has_torch_function_unary, r"""Special case of `has_torch_function` for single inputs. Instead of: `has_torch_function((t,))` call: `has_torch_function_unary(t)` which skips unnecessary packing and unpacking work. """ ) has_torch_function_variadic = _add_docstr( _has_torch_function_variadic, r"""Special case of `has_torch_function` that skips tuple creation. This uses the METH_FASTCALL protocol introduced in Python 3.7; for 3.6 and before it has roughly equivilent performance compared to `has_torch_function`. Instead of: `has_torch_function((a, b))` call: `has_torch_function_variadic(a, b)` which skips unnecessary packing and unpacking work. """ )
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(None) def get_overridable_functions() -> Dict[Any, List[Callable]]: """List functions that are overridable via __torch_function__ Returns ------- Dict[Any, List[Callable]] A dictionary that maps namespaces that contain overridable functions to functions in that namespace that can be overridden. """ overridable_funcs = collections.defaultdict(list) tested_namespaces = [ (torch, torch.__all__ + dir(torch._C._VariableFunctions)), (torch.functional, torch.functional.__all__), (torch.nn.functional, dir(torch.nn.functional)), (torch.Tensor, dir(torch.Tensor)), (torch.linalg, dir(torch.linalg)), (torch.fft, dir(torch.fft)), ] for namespace, ns_funcs in tested_namespaces: for func_name in ns_funcs: # ignore private functions or functions that are deleted in torch.__init__ if namespace is not torch.Tensor: if func_name.startswith('_'): continue elif func_name.endswith('_'): continue elif not func_name[0].islower(): continue elif func_name == 'unique_dim': continue else: func = getattr(namespace, func_name) if getattr(object, func_name, None) == func: continue if func_name == '__weakref__': continue func = getattr(namespace, func_name) if namespace is torch.Tensor and getattr(object, func_name, None) == func: continue # ignore re-exported modules if isinstance(func, types.ModuleType): continue # ignore __future__ imports if isinstance(func, __future__._Feature): continue if not callable(func) and hasattr(func, "__get__"): overridable_funcs[func].append(func.__get__) continue if not callable(func): continue # cannot be overriden by __torch_function__ if func in get_ignored_functions(): msg = ("{}.{} is in the tuple returned by torch._overrides.get_ignored_functions " "but still has an explicit override") assert func not in get_testing_overrides(), msg.format(namespace, func.__name__) continue overridable_funcs[namespace].append(func) return overridable_funcs
@functools.lru_cache(None) def _get_tensor_methods() -> Set[Callable]: """ Returns a set of the overridable methods on ``torch.Tensor`` """ overridable_funcs = get_overridable_functions() methods = set(overridable_funcs[torch.Tensor]) return methods
[docs]def is_tensor_method_or_property(func: Callable) -> bool: """ Returns True if the function passed in is a handler for a method or property belonging to ``torch.Tensor``, as passed into ``__torch_function__``. .. note:: For properties, their ``__get__`` method must be passed in. This may be needed, in particular, for the following reasons: 1. Methods/properties sometimes don't contain a `__module__` slot. 2. They require that the first passed-in argument is an instance of ``torch.Tensor``. Examples -------- >>> is_tensor_method_or_property(torch.Tensor.add) True >>> is_tensor_method_or_property(torch.add) False """ return func in _get_tensor_methods() or func.__name__ == "__get__"
[docs]def is_tensor_like(inp): """ Returns ``True`` if the passed-in input is a Tensor-like. Currently, this occurs whenever there's a ``__torch_function__`` attribute on the type of the input. Examples -------- A subclass of tensor is generally a Tensor-like. >>> class SubTensor(torch.Tensor): ... >>> is_tensor_like(SubTensor([0])) True Built-in or user types aren't usually Tensor-like. >>> is_tensor_like(6) False >>> is_tensor_like(None) False >>> class NotATensor: ... >>> is_tensor_like(NotATensor()) False But, they can be made Tensor-like by implementing __torch_function__. >>> class TensorLike: ... def __torch_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs): ... return -1 >>> is_tensor_like(TensorLike()) True """ return type(inp) is torch.Tensor or hasattr(type(inp), "__torch_function__")


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